Washington State Nonprofits Affiliate to Increase Housing, Services and Wellness for Seniors

Washington State Nonprofits Affiliate to Increase Housing, Services and Wellness for Seniors

BELLEVUE, Washington (February 23, 2021) – Washington-based non-profits Transforming Age and SHAG (Sustainable Housing for Ageless Generations) are affiliating in a strategic move to further their shared goal of helping older adults sustain housing, essential services and social connection.

With these two senior housing leaders coming together, Transforming Age is now the 8th largest nonprofit senior living provider in the US, serving more than 14,000 people through its five mission spheres: housing, community services, technology, philanthropy and partnerships. Transforming Age and SHAG will continue to operate as their own, independent 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organizations. The affiliation will be guided by a common board of directors.

“As the number of older adults soars, bold moves are needed to ensure seniors have quality homes, access to services and opportunities to thrive no matter their level of income,” said Transforming Age President & CEO Torsten Hirche. “This affiliation is a seismic shift that brings together two industry pioneers. Combining our networks will allow us to provide housing and integrated services to more seniors. It’s a game changer for the midmarket sector!”

The affiliation will expand SHAG’s ability to deliver on their mission. “Our goal is to empower and sustain people to age successfully. We’ve been able to do this through a model that builds a community network, integrates housing and coordinates services. The affiliation allows us to have a broader impact and make a greater difference in the lives of seniors in our communities,” said SHAG CEO Jay Woolford. ‘We’ve always looked at our mission as much more than just putting a roof over someone’s head: we support seniors to sustain their lifestyle, make their own choices and have more control over their lives.”

According to Hirche, Transforming Age and SHAG share many similar goals, which makes the affiliation an effective partnership for both. “As we started to explore the idea of affiliating, it became clear that our vision and values are very much the same,” he explained. “This is way for us to share experience, expertise and services and strengthen both organizations by working more closely together.”

Transforming Age is a nationally recognized leader in nonprofit senior living and care dedicated to creating unlimited possibilities to enhance the lives of older adults by integrating housing, community services, technology, philanthropy and partnerships. The organization provides housing and services to over 14,000 people nationally including affordable and workforce housing, independent living, assisted living & memory care and continuing care retirement communities. Its HCBS affiliates provide social and community services including home care, adult day health and social & health care coordination to thousands of older adults. Transforming Age affiliated foundations provide philanthropic programs aimed at supporting those in need of financial assistance, the creation or enhancement of programs and services. Transforming Age also provides business service solutions to industry partners including management, development, and consulting services. The organization’s technology initiatives aim to improve the lives of older adults and those who serve them at scale.

SHAG serves as the non-profit sponsor of affordable senior living rental apartment communities designed to address the needs of low and moderate-income seniors. SHAG works to improve housing sustainability and quality of life for all seniors through advocacy and close relationships with other organizations and elected officials dedicated to the wellbeing of older adults. SHAG serves more than 6,000 residents in 26 communities.